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Server side utilities


This decorator is used to automatically convert the response of a server method in a specific JSON format as specified below:

  "success": true,
  "result": "success result from server method",
  "error": "Error from server method as raised exception"

Usage example:

from anvil import server
from .utils import handle_response

def get_account():
    account = server.session['account']

    if account:
        return account
        raise Exception('Unable to fetch account information.')

Note: User this decorator with @handle_server_response decorator at client side code.

Client side utilities


This decorator is used on client side code to handle response from server methods decorated with @handle_response. On error, this will show the alert using anvil.alert() method by default. This behaviour can be changed by passing the parameter show_alert=False.

Usage example:

from anvil import server
from ..scripts.client import handle_server_response

def initiate_auth(email, recaptcha_token):
    return'initiate_auth', email, recaptcha_token)


This decorator is used to automatically handle auth errors for calling server methods those should be secured with authentication.

Usage example:

from anvil import server
from .auth import handle_auth_error
from ..scripts.client import handle_server_response

def initiate_auth(email, recaptcha_token):
    return'initiate_auth', email, recaptcha_token)